All snorers with any of the following symptoms should be evaluated for possible obstructive sleep apnea:
- Experience episodes of breath pauses or apnea during sleep
- Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- History of a stroke

At Advanced ENT & Allergy, we offer several different options to help obstructive sleep apnea:
WatchPAT is an FDA-approved portable diagnostic device that uniquely uses finger-based physiology and innovative technology to enable simple and accurate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) testing while avoiding the complexity and discomfort associated with traditional air-flow-based systems. Learn more about WatchPat
Office Based Procedures
Vivaer – non-invasive approach to reshape nasal tissue. The Vivaer Nasal Airway Remodeling device delivers radiofrequency energy to the nasal valve area to treat nasal obstruction.
Turbinate reduction – A minor procedure to correct the problem of nasal obstruction by reducing the turbinate size and thereby decreasing airway resistance while preserving the natural function of the turbinates.
Pillar procedure – This is one of the most simple sleep apnea services available, because it is performed in the office, using only local anesthesia, and allows people to immediately resume normal activities. The entire procedure takes place in our office and typically in less than 20 minutes. And since the procedure doesn’t involve removal or destruction of tissue, there is minimal discomfort or impact on everyday activities such as eating and speaking.
Palate reduction – Stiffening the soft palate can reduce this vibration and therefore reduce snoring intensity—all in as little as 20 minutes!
RhinAer – Stop nasal drip, congestion, nasal/throat itching, and sneezing (chronic rhinitis).
Operating Room Based Procedures
Inspire – We are the first practice in Kentucky to offer this procedure. It is a fully implanted system that continuously monitors a patient’s breathing patterns and delivers mild stimulation to key airway muscles which keeps the airway open during sleep.
AirLift – The FDA-approved procedure utilizes specially designed sutures and suture anchors to elevate and suspend the hyoid bone closer to the jaw. The resulting tension on the soft tissues of the mouth, throat, and tongue provides long-lasting relief and keeps the air pathways free-flowing and stable all night long.
Palatoplasty – The soft palate and uvula are reconstructed in a manner that decreases retropalatal obstruction, a common source of airway obstruction during obstructive sleep apnea.
Tongue Base Reduction – The base of the tongue is a common site of obstruction in patients who suffer from OSA. In addition to the advanced procedures, reducing the amount of tissue from the tongue base through a variety of methods is an effective surgical method to reduce apnea.
Supraglottoplasty – Microscopic surgical procedure to alter malformed structures of the upper larynx. This allows someone with certain conditions (such as severe laryngomalacia) to breathe more easily. This procedure is done through the mouth.