Dear Referring Physicians,
Advanced ENT & Allergy want you to know we are committed to being available to see your patients on demand or scheduled at the patients convenience. We are conveniently located in eight locations and easy to get in to be seen with flexible hours.
Online Patient Referral Form:

Why Choose Advanced ENT and Allergy
- With our 8 locations and 16 physicians we can see your patient conveniently and quickly.
- Same day appointments as needed.
- We provide nightly and weekend On-Call services that are internally covered by our physicians and highly trained nurses. We are available to you or your patient patient 24/7.
- We participate with most insurances.
- We see problems of any size or scope.
- We provide point of care service for CT, Thyroid ultrasound, Hearing Testing, Allergy Testing and Hearing Aids eliminating the need for multiple appointments at multiple locations for many of your patients.
- We offer in-house comprehensive hearing testing for adults and children.
- We were first in the area to offer endoscopic sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty and packless sinus surgery – providing your patients with the latest technology in ENT.
- We offer “low dose radiation ” sinus and internal auditory canal CT imaging to your patients. We were the first private ENT practice in the country to become ICACTL accredited for our point of care CT Scanner Xoran MiniCat – a new low dose radiation scanner.
- We participate in clinical trials providing some of your patients with opportunities to use new drugs or products specific to ENT. Our physicians are the only ENT practice in the area involved in a range of clinical research studies specific to ENT.
- Our integrated EHR, e-Prescribing, practice management and interoperability solution is the latest in e-health technology. Greenway Medical PrimeSuite is CCHIT certified and is capable of reporting quality measures and has received three “Best in KLAS” Awards. Our EHR allows us to communicate with you quickly and efficiently.
- Our physicians have been providing ENT healthcare in this region for over 30 years – you can trust us to provide the very best care to your patient.